Inflammation in the body directly impacts not only our physical health but the way we think, feel and perform. Research says that 90% of health issues are directly related to our lifestyle, so it is vital that we strive to enhance the quality of our diets while eliminating bad habits.
This session will provide practical nutrition strategies such as the ‘add’ before ‘subtract’ principle to boost nutritional content and improve our health immediately. Join us as we look at the power of accountability and how positive action is the key to health and physical resilience.
Your people will learn:
- The key nutrition strategies that enhance the quality of our diets
- The power of accountability and how positive actions we take improve our mind and body
- The difference between chronological age vs biological age and why eating to nourish our cells is the key to health and physical resilience
Feel Good can immerse your people in this topic either as a single session or as a behaviour change programme.
- Virtual Workshop
- In-office Workshop
We can cater for any audience type, from Senior Leaders to employees and HR teams.
- Employees
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Dr Colin Robertson
PhD, Exercise Physiology, Masters, Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, Strength and Conditioning Coach (UKSCA) , Accredited Kinanthropometrist (body composition specialist) , NutritionistDr Colin Robertson has been involved in human performance and sport science his entire professional career. He has worked in every aspect of Strength and Condit...